
Vilamarxant prepara el primer evento del Proyecto CILIFO en el marco de la Semana Verde Europea

17.09.2020. La Semana Verde Europea (#EUGreenWeek), organizada por la Comisión Europea, se centrará este año en la naturaleza y la biodiversidad. El Ayuntamiento de Vilamarxant (Valencia) está preparando un evento deslocalizado para formar parte de una semana que actuará como un hito en el camino hacia la Conferencia de las Partes (COP 15) del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica.

La Comisión Europea decidió que la conferencia de la Semana Verde de la UE tendrá lugar este año en otoño, del 20 al 22 de octubre, con eventos asociados que se celebrarán entre el 14 de septiembre y el 23 de octubre.

El viernes 25 de septiembre, el municipio de Vilamarxant acogerá el primer evento asociado del Centro Ibérico para la Investigación y Lucha contra Incendios Forestales (CILIFO) – tiene previstas actividades en Sevilla, Cádiz y Córdoba – en el marco de la Semana Verde Europea, siendo -hasta la fecha- el único territorio valenciano que estará presente en la #EUGreenWeek.

Enlace de inscripción:

Descarga aquí la agenda

La Fundación Finnova forma parte del partenariado público-privado que conforma el Proyecto CILIFO, financiado en un 75% por el Programa de Cooperación Transfronteriza Interreg VA España – Portugal – POCTEP (2014-2020), y será la entidad encargada de acercar dos territorios a priori alejados, pero que tienen muchos retos en común. CILIFO actúa para reforzar y aunar la cooperación, los procedimientos de trabajo y la formación entre los dispositivos de Prevención y Extinción de Incendios Forestales en el área de cooperación de la Eurorregión Alentejo – Algarve – Andalucía y está liderado por la Junta de Andalucía.

El evento planteado para el 25 de septiembre en Vilamarxant trata de un seminario sobre la financiación de la Unión Europea para proyectos innovadores de lucha contra los incendios forestales y protección de la biodiversidad. Además, Vilamarxant se presentará como una antena del CILIFO y de la aceleradora del proyecto, Firefighting Open Innovation Lab-CILIFO. A la jornada (presencial / virtual) asistirán representantes europeos – europarlamentarios y/o funcionarios de la Comisión Europea -, el Concejal de Innovación del ayuntamiento de Vilamarxant, Xavier Jorge Cerdá, emprendedores, start-ups y portavoces de organizaciones como la Generalitat o la Diputación de Valencia.

Ser parte de la Semana Verde de la Unión Europea es una oportunidad para que el Vilamarxant pueda mostrar las iniciativas y logros en su territorio a nivel de prevención y extinción frente posibles emergencias o incendios. Vilamarxant es un municipio muy activo y que trabaja intensamente desde hace unos 15 años en el tema de prevención de incendios, a través de su plan de prevención y emergencias y de su gestión del Paraje Natural Municipal de Les Rodanes o del Parque Natural del Turia. Este plan fue entregado hace 3 años en la Consejería de Medio Ambiente de la Comunidad Valenciana y se está a espera de su aprobación por parte de la administración autonómica: “Esto nos ha impedido acceder a la subvención de gestión forestal del municipio, valorada en uno 75.000 €, cantidad que va subiendo conforme pasa el tiempo”, según afirma el concejal de Innovación y Nuevas Tecnologías. Xavier Jorge Cerdá dice además que desde Vilamarxant “estamos buscando alternativas innovadoras que nos permita acceder a fondos económicos, herramientas o experiencias que puedan suplir la falta de la aprobación del Plan de Emergencias de Vilamarxant”.  El concejal explica que su función se basa en “continuar trabajando y buscar alternativas, como las que estamos emprendiendo dentro del Proyecto CILIFO, que nos permitan realizar la mejor gestión de nuestros parajes dentro de los recursos de los que un pequeño municipio puede disponer. El retraso en la aprobación de dicho plan está estrangulando a nuestro ayuntamiento y está impidiendo realizar las tareas de mantenimiento adecuadas que eviten una posible emergencia o incendio”.


El objetivo es afrontar el reto 13 y 15 de los ODS de Naciones Unidas para innovar en la adopción de medidas urgentes para combatir el cambio climático y sus efectos, así como proteger, restablecer y promover el uso sostenible de los ecosistemas terrestres, gestionar sosteniblemente los bosques, luchar contra la desertificación, detener e invertir la degradación de las tierras y detener la pérdida de biodiversidad.


La Semana Verde Europea 2020 está programada sobre el tema de la naturaleza y la biodiversidad. Después de la adopción de una nueva Estrategia de Biodiversidad de la UE para mayo de 2030, la Semana Verde destacará la contribución que la biodiversidad puede hacer a la sociedad y la economía y el papel que puede desempeñar para apoyar y estimular la recuperación en un mundo post-pandémico, generando empleos y crecimiento sostenible. La Semana Verde de la UE examinará cómo las políticas de la UE, como el Acuerdo Verde Europeo, pueden ayudar a proteger y restaurar la naturaleza, dejando espacio para recuperarse y prosperar.

La #EUGreenWeek también actuará como un hito en el camino hacia la Conferencia de las Partes (COP 15) del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica, ahora planificada para 2021, donde los líderes mundiales adoptarán un plan de acción de 10 años para la biodiversidad: un Nuevo acuerdo global para las personas y la naturaleza.


El proyecto “Centro Ibérico para la Investigación y Lucha contra Incendios Forestales” (CILIFO) se centra en la lucha contra los incendios forestales y sus consecuencias para la adaptación y mitigación del cambio climático; en un marco de cooperación transfronteriza para la prevención de riesgos y la mejora de la gestión de los recursos naturales de España y Portugal en la zona de la Eurorregión Alentejo – Algarve – Andalucía. CILIFO se enmarca en el Objetivo Temático 5 del Programa POCTEP: Promover la adaptación al cambio climático en todos los sectores; y responde a la prioridad de inversión, respecto al Programa POCTEP, 5B: Fomento de la inversión para abordar los riesgos específicos y la garantía de adaptación frente a las catástrofes y desarrollo de sistemas de gestión de catástrofes.

Con una duración de tres años (2019 a 2021), persigue, a través de los resultados previstos en sus actividades, constituirse como un Centro permanente para el impulso y desarrollo de la formación, la sensibilización, el desarrollo y la innovación, y la cooperación interregional en la lucha contra incendios forestales.

CILIFO se está desarrollando gracias a la colaboración de un partenariado público-privado, liderado por la Junta de Andalucía y compuesto por organismos públicos de investigación, entidades de interés público sin ánimo de lucro, y administraciones públicas; y todos con el objetivo común sobre la lucha contra los incendios forestales.


FINNOVA ( es una fundación europea sin ánimo de lucro, con sede central en Bélgica-Bruselas, y oficinas y antenas en España (Sevilla, Valencia, Tenerife, Madrid y Vitoria), que tiene como finalidad principal la búsqueda de financiación internacional relacionada con la transferencia de nueva tecnología, la modernización, la formación, la innovación para administraciones públicas regionales o locales. Tiene como objetivo fundamental promover la cooperación internacional e interregional a través de redes y eventos, siendo sus principales campos de trabajo el medio ambiente, la energía, el cambio climático, la innovación y la mejora de la calidad de la vida.

Centre d’Emprenedoria i Innovació del Túria (CEI Túria)

El CEI Túria nace para incentivar el emprendimiento y las nuevas tecnologías a nivel regional e internacional. Su objetivo principal es materializar y experimentar nuevas formas de vivir, trabajar, aprender y relacionarse a través del emprendimiento y la innovación. Entre sus principales objetivos, encontramos los siguientes:

  • Promover la actividad emprendedora, la creación de nuevas empresas y la generación de empleo.
  • Promover nuevas líneas de actividad empresarial relacionadas con la innovación, las nuevas tecnologías y los sectores emergentes.
  • Crear una comunidad de emprendedores donde compartan proyectos y experiencias, y establezcan sinergias y alianzas con otras comunidades que permitan el desarrollo de proyectos colaborativos.
  • Ayudar a las empresas y proyectos a desarrollar su plan de empresa y a buscar financiación pública, privada o de diversos fondos europeos.
  • Contribuir a la revitalización del tejido productivo en Vilamarxant, la comarca del Camp de Túria y áreas aledañas.

El CEI Túria representa un modelo de innovación abierta en el que emprendedores, creadores, ciudadanos y empresas colaboran para crear riqueza, empleo y conocimiento frente a los desafíos del nuevo ecosistema.

Beatriz Martínez Muñoz
Técnica de Proyectos Europeos y Comunicación en la Fundación Finnova



Registration open for offshoring events in the framework of the European Week of Cities and Regions 2020 (#EURegionsWeek 2020)

08/07/2020 The European Week of Regions and Cities is an annual event where cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement EU cohesion policy and demonstrate the importance of the local and regional level for good European governance.

A side event is linked to the European Week of Regions and Cities 2020 because of its thematic, temporal (5-9 October 2020, 12-16 October 2020, 19-22 October 2020) and (digital) proximity. However, it is not part of the official programme of the European Week of Regions and Cities.

This year, the side events will be divided into three time slots according to the thematic priorities:

  • 5-9 October 2020: Empowering Citizens
  • 12-16 October 2020: Cohesion and cooperation
  • 19-22 October 2020: Green Europe, in cooperation with the Green Week

Due to the global pandemic (COVID-19), most of the 500 sessions planned will be online, and only the most important events will be developed in online/presential format.

Important: Side events must be related to the thematic priorities of #EURegionsWeek 2020 and must be organized digitally between 5-9 October 2020, 12-16 October 2020 or 19-22 October 2020. The organizers of the side events are fully responsible for the content and organization of their event.

How to apply?

You must submit your completed online application within the deadline. In your application you should specify to what extent the event relates to one of the thematic priorities of 2020, thus demonstrating its attractiveness for participants in the European Week of Regions and Cities 2020. Applications submitted will be assessed and only a limited number of side events will be selected.

Applications must be completed by 2 September 2020.

For further information, please contact the Finnova Foundation (


The final of the Accelerathon – CILIFO will be held on July 01, 2020

  • The winners will be eligible for a European fast-track ticket to access EU funds, go international or access an investment of up to ?2 million per project.

The Finnova Foundation, as the beneficiary of the Iberian Centre for Research and the Fight against Forest Fires (CILIFO), is organising the Accelerathon on the prevention and extinction of forest fires and the recovery of the habitat in a burnt area.

Next Wednesday, 01 July 2020, at 17:00h (CEST) the final of the Accelrathon – CILIFO will be held in webinar format through the Zoom platform. The winning team will be eligible for a grant of up to 2 million euros to develop their project through the European Commission programme.

Throughout these weeks, the six finalist teams have been working and training online on European projects thanks to the experts of the Finnova Foundation. The most innovative ideas have been the following:

The teams are as follows:

TEAM 1: Circular Economy for Forest Fire Prevention
TEAM 2: New technologies for forest fire fighting
TEAM 3: IoT for forest fire early warning
TEAM 4: Forest Fire Prevention
TEAM 5: Drones and unmanned vehicles applied to forest fires
TEAM 6: Recovery of habitats after forest fires

During the awards ceremony, each team will present its project with an elevator pitch, which will be assessed by a jury of experts (80%) and the public will be able to vote for their favourite project (public vote is worth 20%). After the jury’s verdict, the winning team will receive a European elevator pitch ticket awarded by the Startup Europe Acceleraton and the winning project will then participate in the Startup Europe Awards.

The aim of this initiative is to promote innovative challenges and be able to apply them to the real world of forest fire prevention, extinction and recovery through European funding. Furthermore, thanks to this tool, the CILIFO project and the progress of the project developed by the beneficiaries in the territory of the cross-border region of Alentejo-Algarve-Andalusia are given visibility.

What is Accelerahton?

What is StartUp Europe Awards?

What is Finnova Foundation?

What is Startup Europe Accelerator?


Beatriz Martínez Muñoz (European Projects and Communication Officer at Finnova)

Adrian Noheda (European Project Manager at Finnova)


The Committee of the Regions launches the Local Green Deal Going Group to continue to include EU cities and regions in the decision-making process

• The Iberian Centre for Research and the Fight against Forest Fires (CILIFO) reports that the EU’s Green Pact is leading to further progress towards a Europe of the regions.

23.06.2020. The European Union has several initiatives that aim to include regions and cities directly in the decision-making process and, specifically, in those processes related to development (environmental, economic, social etc). In this case, the Committee of the Regions has launched the “Green Deal Going Local” group, in order to promote direct contact between the European Union and the various European regions in the areas of the environment, the circular economy and innovation, among others.


The Committee of the Regions has recently set up the Green Deal Going Local group with the aim of empowering European regions and cities to implement the Green Deal in a more efficient and appropriate way. The working group created has thirteen members representing European cities and regions, including Juan Espadas (Mayor of Seville) as chairman of the group. This group will work directly with the European Union (through the Committee of the Regions) to define, implement and evaluate the various measures needed to meet the objectives of the Green Pact.

The presentation of the long-term European budgets for the period 2021-2027 shows the environmental commitment of the European Union. Even in circumstances such as the current one, with the Covid-19 pandemic and its consequent economic crisis, the EU is still committed to sustainable and environmentally friendly economic growth.

According to the website of the European Committee of the Regions (, the three main objectives of this group are

– To provide a cross-cutting vision of the many policy areas within the European Green Agreement and to ensure policy coherence and consistency between archives and related opinions.

– To strengthen the institutional scope of the European Committee of the Regions on the Green Agreement in order to put cities and regions at the centre of the path towards climate neutrality.

– To channel the challenges faced by local and regional authorities in implementing the green transition locally and communicate their achievements and best practices to facilitate replication across the European Union.


On 11 December 2020, the European Commission reported in a communication on the launch of a new project to be called Green Deal (hereafter referred to as the Green Pact).

The Green Deal is a response by the European Union to the challenge of ensuring a healthy environment for all European citizens. With this project, the EU wants to direct its growth towards a greener future with the environment at the centre of the European agenda.

Challenges and objectives
In order to promote a society based on the values of equality and justice, it is essential to defend the environment for all European citizens. To this end, the prosperity and competitiveness of the European economy must be promoted, and this environmental ethic must not be abandoned either.

All these objectives cannot be achieved without a concrete challenge on which the various European bodies can focus. That is why the Commission is proposing to put an end to all greenhouse gas emissions throughout Europe by 2050. A challenge to be met in 30 years’ time, in which states and regions will have to work hand in hand with the EU.

Image made by the European Commission in its Communication to the other European bodies on the establishment of the Green Pact:

For more information on the Green Deal, you can find here the direct link to the document presented by the European Commission:


Beatriz Martínez Muñoz (European Projects and Communication Technician at Finnova)
+34 605 52 10 84



05.06.2020. World Environment Day is the most important date in the official United Nations calendar for promoting environmental action. “Since 1974, 5 June has become a global public platform that brings together governments, businesses, celebrities and citizens around a pressing environmental issue,” according to the Wold Environment Day website.

The Iberian Centre for Research and Fight against Forest Fires (CILIFO) joins the celebration of this day that this year revolves around biodiversity – a matter of both urgent and existential concern.

“Recent events, such as the unprecedented forest fires in Brazil, California and Australia, the locust invasion in the Horn of Africa and now the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrate the inextricable relationship between humans and the networks of life in which we live. Nature is sending us a message” (Wold Environment Day).

The CILIFO project focuses on the fight against forest fires and their consequences for the adaptation and mitigation of climate change; within a framework of cross-border cooperation for the prevention of risks and the improvement of the management of natural resources in Spain and Portugal in the area of the Euroregion Alentejo – Algarve – Andalusia.

With a duration of three years (2019 to 2021), it aims, through the results expected from its activities, to establish itself as a permanent centre for the promotion and development of training, awareness, development and innovation, and interregional cooperation in the fight against forest fires.

About World Environment Day: World Environment Day is, above all, a global platform to inspire positive change, and is based on the precept that global change requires a global community. The Day encourages people to think about how they consume; businesses to develop greener models; farmers and manufacturers to produce more sustainably; governments to safeguard wilderness; educators to inspire students to live in harmony with the Earth; and young people to become bold stewards of a green future. It requires all of us (Wold Environment Day).

The Host: Each year a different host country hosts the official celebrations of World Environment Day. The host for 2020 is Colombia, with the support of Germany (Wold Enviroment Day)v

Video: Biodiversidad y salud ¿Cómo nos protege la naturaleza?

For more information:

Contact: Beatriz Martinez (EU Project Manager at Fundación Finnova)



The 15th edition of the EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) will take place in Brussels from 22 to 26 June 2020

29.05.2020. The EU’s Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) 2020 will take place in Brussels from 22 to 26 June 2020. It is the largest event dedicated to renewable energy and energy efficiency in Europe.

This year, participants will enjoy an interactive online event experience. Highlights include: a three-day political conference including a high-level opening session; the EUSEW Awards; networking activities and side events for participants; the Energy Days, digital events taking place across Europe. For the first time, a European Youth Energy Day will also be organised on 22 June.

During the EUSEW, a total of 30 digital sessions will bring together key players in the energy sector to discuss issues related to this year’s theme: “Beyond the crisis: clean energy for green recovery and growth”; and share good practices and discuss the way forward for a sustainable future for all.

Registration will open next week!


Energy Days are digital activities and events organised by local public and private organisations across Europe to promote clean energy and energy efficiency. They are a key component of the EU’s Sustainable Energy Week. You can apply for an Energy Day taking into account that:

  • takes place in May or June 2020.
  • is held in a region of the European Union.
  • is non-profit / has no admission fees.
  • aims to attract a minimum of 10 people (citizens and/or interested in energy)

Deadline: There is no deadline for registration.

More information about the Energy Days:



Forest protection, biodiversity and artificial intelligence: what challenges ahead?

29.05.2020. Forest Protection, Biodiversity and Artificial Intelligence: What Challenges Ahead? is an event that will consist of a debate on future challenges regarding forest protection in the European Union and globally; as well as the use of artificial intelligence to counteract biodiversity loss and improve environmental sustainability (#Tech4Forests).

The speakers and details of the event will be announced in the coming days. Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, this event will be streamed.


As recognized by both the UN and the European Commission, forests are rapidly disappearing as a result of deforestation and degradation. Furthermore, global deforestation and forest degradation also negatively affects many objectives, both of Europe and of the international community; and in several other important aspects of life on Earth, such as ensuring peace and good governance or promoting the rule of law as highlighted in the objectives of the UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.

#Tech4Forests: The issue of forest protection continues to be a crucial feature of the global public debate on climate change, as forests are not only an important aspect of the fight to protect the climate, but also a decisive aspect of the success of the actions being taken by European and international institutions.

When: 24 June 2020

Time: 6 p.m.

Where: online

The audience will be able to ask questions during the discussion and afterward in the question and answer round.



CONSULTA PÚBLICA – Adaptación al Cambio Climático: estrategia de la UE

28.05.2020. The European Green Deal aims to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent in the world.

Climate impacts are already being felt across Europe and are likely to increase even further in intensity and frequency. Without drastic emission reduction measures, continued climate change could increase the likelihood of serious, widespread and irreversible consequences, such as the collapse of natural ecosystems, the erosion of global food security or the displacement of people. The Commission therefore believes it is important to bring together a wide range of stakeholder views for the new Strategy to inform the design and policy options explored, as well as the appropriate level of ambition.

You can contribute and participate in this call through the following link:

Europe is affected by indirect climate impacts outside the Union in many ways, such as trade, spread of infections and supply chains or migration.

The ultimate goal of climate change adaptation strategies is to protect people, the planet and prosperity from environmental impacts. By promoting global adaptation actions together with accelerated emission reductions, the EU can help ensure the well-being of EU citizens, safeguard our natural environment and cultural heritage, and protect our investments and economic assets.

Feedback period from 14 May 2020 to 20 August 2020

More information on the consultation at:


Calls CILIFO News

New European Green Deal call

27.05.2020. The European Commission has opened a public call to shape a new Horizon 2020 call for proposals that will aim to strengthen research and innovation related to the European Green Deal.

The call for proposals is expected to be published in mid-September and will have a budget of 1 billion euros.

The call seeks to fund projects that provide solutions to the main priorities of the Green Pact, supporting

pilot applications, demonstration projects and innovative products;
innovation for better governance of the green and digital transition;
social and value chain innovation.
In addition to supporting technological development and demonstration, the call also seeks new ways to engage civil society and empower citizens.

This public consultation on the Green Pact allows CILIFO project partners and citizens to provide their assessments for the future Green Pact, which may affect the issues addressed by CILIFO.

The call will be structured in 11 areas, 8 thematic and 3 horizontal:

DEADLINE: 3rd June 2020

More information :

Contact: Beatriz Martínez (


CILIFO joins International Biodiversity Day 2020 celebrations

22.05.2020. The loss of biodiversity is a loss for humanity, that is why every 22nd of May since 1993 is celebrated as the International Day for Biological Diversity. This day aims to increase understanding and awareness of issues related to biological diversity (the variability of living organisms, including diversity within species (genetics), between species and of ecosystems.

One of the key pillars of the Iberian Centre for Research and Fight against Forest Fires (CILIFO) is awareness, since prevention is one of the main actions in the fight against forest fires, and it includes both preventive forestry on forest fuel, and other actions aimed at raising public awareness of the problem of fires: “social prevention”.

Environmental education and awareness is a complement to environmental policies and actions, since without the active and committed involvement of all members of society, the environmental strategies carried out by public and private bodies would not be sufficient to meet the challenges presented by sustainable development. For this reason, knowing the mechanisms of fire, the way in which the extinguishing devices and the harmful consequences of these, is a fundamental link in the chain that leads us to its prevention.

The biological diversity is a global good of great value for the present and future generations, the number of species diminishes at an accelerated rate, due to the human activity, according to the Web of the United Nations. Given the importance of education and public awareness about this threat, CILIFO joins the celebration of the International Day of Biodiversity 2020.

About biological diversity:

As the United Nations explains on its website: “Biodiversity is understood to mean the wide variety of plants, animals and microorganisms that exist, but it also includes the genetic differences within each species – for example, between varieties of crops and breeds of livestock – as well as the variety of ecosystems (lakes, forests, deserts, agricultural fields,…) that host multiple interactions between their members (humans, plants, animals) and their environment (water, air, soil…)”.

In addition, biological resources “are the pillars that support civilizations. Fish provide 20% of animal protein to some 3 billion people. More than 80% of the human diet is composed of plants. Approximately 80% of people living in rural areas in developing countries depend on traditional plant-based medicines for basic health care.

Finally, the United Nations reports on its website that 2020 is a year “of reflection, opportunity and solutions. 2020 is the year when, more than ever, we must express our will to “flatten and reduce the curve” of biodiversity loss for the benefit of humans and all life on Earth. 2020 will see the final period of the 2011-2020 Strategic Plan for Biodiversity and the Aichi Targets, as well as the Decade of Biodiversity, which will usher in new biodiversity decades for the period 2021-2030: the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development and the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration; and the Biodiversity Summit, to emphasize the need for high-level action in support of a post-2020 global biodiversity framework.

For more information on International Biodiversity Day:

Contact: Beatriz Martínez (EU Project Officer at Fundación Finnova)