Categoría: CILIFO

02.02.2021. The Finnova Foundation, one of the fifteen beneficiary partners of the CILIFO Project, is organising a virtual event on the new recovery fund for Europe (Next Generation EU) applied to forest fire prevention and extinction projects in the Alentejo-Algarve-Andalusia Euroregion.
The webinar will be held on Wednesday, 17th February 2021 from 11:00 to 13:00 (CET). Among the speakers, there will be Members of the European Parliament and European funds experts, as well as representatives of the beneficiary partners of the Iberian Center for the Investigation and Fighting of Forest Fires (CILIFO).
The aim of the training webinar is to provide information about the Next Generation EU recovery fund that will help build a greener and more resilient Europe through the projects that will benefit from the aforementioned package.
This virtual event is intended for those interested in presenting eligible projects within the framework of the CILIFO Project (Alentejo-Algarve-Andalusia Euroregion) as well as for those who would like to know more about this new European funding instrument.
The economy of the Alentejo-Algarve-Andalusia Euroregion has been seriously affected by the social and economic crisis derived from the pandemic, so being aware of the funding made available by the EU should be a priority for anyone with an interest in starting a new project.
The webinar will be held in Portuguese as well as in Spanish.
Please fill out the following registration form if you are interested in taking part: https://form.jotform.com/finnova/cilifo-nextgeneration-1702
Next Generation EU
The COVID-19 pandemic is having a negative impact on the economy of the European Union, which is why the European Commission has decided to implement unprecedented measures. Thus, a new massive recovery fund called Next Generation EU has been created. Itis the largest fund ever promoted by the European Union. The Next Generation EU recovery package was approved at the beginning of this year and it will fundresearch andinnovation projects. It will also tackle climate change and will promote the protection of biodiversity, as well as forest fire prevention and extinction.
Beatriz Martínez Muñoz
European projects and communication officer at the Finnova Foundation

28.01.2021. The United Nations General Assembly, in a firm commitment to raise awareness of the importance of the fight against climate change, established 28 January as the International Day for the Reduction of CO2 Emissions. Global warming is largely due to the high amounts of this gas that are emitted daily into the atmosphere, so the UN aims to raise awareness among citizens to fight against global warming as far as they can.
CO2 or carbon dioxide is a gas that has always been present in the atmosphere and plays an essential role in regulating temperature, preventing the sun’s heat from being reflected back into space and making our planet habitable. The problem today is that, due to industrialisation, deforestation and large-scale agriculture over the last century, the natural balance has been broken and the greenhouse effect, so necessary in the first place to conserve heat, has been boosted to exponentially increase the earth’s temperature.
Forests, jungles and mangroves play a fundamental role in the reduction of CO2 levels, so their safeguarding must be a global priority. The CILIFO Project, whose mission is to work to prevent and extinguish forest fires, is actively involved in this commitment to protect green spaces, as well as helping to raise public awareness through its training activities. Protecting forests and recovering burnt or deforested areas are two of the great hopes that humanity has for reducing the impact of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and thus slowing down global warming.
In recent decades, governments have begun to respond to the calls for action, both from the planet itself and from environmental groups aware of the serious problem facing us, and have started to adopt measures. The most relevant milestone is the Paris Agreement, the first universal and legally binding agreement on climate change that sets as its main objective to keep global warming below 2°C – even limiting it to 1.5°C.
Beatriz Martínez Muñoz
European projects and communication officer at the Finnova Foundation

- The 2nd edition of the MOOC course «Attention to diversity in emergencies in the forest environment» of the ONCE Foundation is now open.
- From February, Finnova will hold several training webinars on EU Funds applied to the scope of the CILIFO Project.
24.01.2021.International Education Day has been celebrated since 2019, the year in which the United Nations General Assembly decided to dedicate every 24 January to education as an essential human right for global development. The theme of this year 2021, as a consequence of the global pandemic, is «reclaiming and revitalising education for the Covid-19 generation».
Education enables people to realise their full potential and is therefore considered key to achieving many of the other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which were adopted in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The 2030 Agenda aims to «protect the planet and improve the lives and prospects of people everywhere», according to the United Nations website. SDG 4 is especially dedicated to education, as it aims to «ensure inclusive, equitable and quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all», as stated on the SDG website; it emphasises the direct link between the acquisition of technical and professional skills; and access to decent work and the acquisition of more sustainable lifestyles.
One of the pillars of the «Centro Ibérico para la Investigación y Lucha contra Incendios Forestales» (CILIFO) project is training. CILIFO combines the theoretical training system with a more practical system, so that workers are equipped with the necessary tools and knowledge during a forest fire.
Next steps in training (CILIFO):
Currently, and as a sign of the firm commitment of the CILIFO Project and its partnership with education and training, registration is open for the second edition of the online MOOC course «Attention to diversity in emergencies in the forest environment», organised by the ONCE Foundation (beneficiary of the project), which will allow students to learn about the most vulnerable groups of people in an emergency, what special needs they may have and how to achieve more effective communication in these cases. In addition, the guidelines to be followed for the guidance of blind people or the evacuation of people with reduced mobility will be put into practice.
Registration for the course is now open and can be done at the following link: https://cilifo.eu/diversidad
More information about the MOOC: https://bit.ly/35XRHh1
In addition, throughout the months of February, March, April and May, various training events will be held by other partners of the Project. Thus, the Finnova Foundation is planning to hold several training webinars during this period. The first of these, scheduled for mid-February, will focus on the NextGeneration EU* European funds and will be aimed at the CILIFO area of action (Euroregion Alentejo-Algarve-Andalusia).
*NextGeneration EU is an instrument designed to boost economic recovery after the impact of Covid-19 in the European Union and, as stated on the European Commission’s website, is considered «the largest stimulus package ever funded». The deadline for registering for this vent will be published shortly. Likewise, different events are planned as part of the EU Green Week, which will take place between 3 May and 13 June 2021 and will be devoted to the ambition of achieving zero pollution.
Beatriz Martínez Muñoz
European Projects and Communication Officer at the Finnova Foundation

17.12.2020. El lunes 14 de diciembre de 2020 se celebró en Córdoba una jornada de networking en el marco del Proyecto CILIFO basada en diálogos audiovisuales y retos en emprendimiento, digitalización e innovación enfocados en la prevención y extinción de incendios forestales, adaptación y mitigación del cambio climático (soluciones innovadoras). Las grabaciones se emitieron el jueves 17 de diciembre de 2020 a las 01:00h (CET) en el programa Emprende TVE de Televisión Española.
La sede de la Diputación Provincial de Córdoba acogió un evento híbrido (presencial y digital con emisión a través de la plataforma Zoom) organizado por la Fundación Finnova y la Universidad de Córdoba (beneficiarios del Proyecto CILIFO), en colaboración con la Fundación INTEC y Diputación Provincial de Córdoba.
El equipo de Emprende TVE, Juanma Romero y Luís Olvian entrevistaron a: José Carlos Gómez Villamandos (Rector de la Universidad de Córdoba) que habló sobre los retos de emprendimiento innovador en periodo de pandemia COVID-19 en prevención y extinción de incendios forestales. Capacitación CILIFO de la Universidad de Córdoba; a Librado Carrasco (Presidente Ejecutivo de la Fundación Fundación Universitaria para el Desarrollo de la Provicni de Córdoba – Fundecor); a Francisco Rodríguez y Silva (Profesor Titular del Departamento de Ingeniería Forestal de la Universidad de Córdoba. Laboratorio de Defensa contra Incendios Forestales E.T.S. de Ingeniería Agronómica y de Montes), quién presentó el Máster en Incendios Forestales de la Universidad de Córdoba; y a Fran Gálvez (Director General de GALPAGRO), que contó la innovación en la agricultura y la necesidad de formación para evitar los incendios procedentes de quemas rastrojos y reto de la recuperación de suelos quemados por incendios forestales.
Tras una pequeña pausa, continuó la ronda de entrevistas con Víctor Manuel Montoro Caba (Delegado de Programas Europeos y Agencia Provincial de la Energía y Smart Digital City. Diputación de Córdoba), quien describió las oportunidades de empleo en la valorización de los residuos forestales para la prevención de los incendios forestales; Santiago Pérez (Director Comercial de Agrogenia Biotech), como emprendedor en el sector de la agricultura y la valorización del suelo para la protección de los ecosistemas forestales; a Juan Manuel Revuelta (Director General de la Fundación Finnova) y a Beatriz Martínez (Técnica de Proyectos Europeos y Comunicación en la Fundación Finnova) quienes explicaron como la Incubadora/Aceleradora Firefighting Open Innovation Lab – CILIFO apoya las iniciativas en el sector de los incendios forestales; y a Juan Francisco Delgado (Vicepresidente de la Fundación Europea para la Innovación – INTEC), que habló sobre los factores de prevención de incendios forestales a través de las buenas prácticas del sector agrícola y ganadero.
Vuelve a ver el programa:
Paralelamente, en formato virtual a través de Zoom se entrevistó a Pedro Forjaz Carreiro (Socio de AgristarBIO, MBA del IESE – BCN), que desde Portugal presentó sus soluciones innovadoras en la recuperación de suelos quemados y degradados en Portugal (soluciones aportadas por AgriStarbio).
La jornada se clausuró con la ceremonia de entrega del premio por parte de la Fundación INTEC a Emprende TVE como “Best Media Partner Start-up Europe Awards” por su labor en la visualización y apoyo a los emprendedores y startups en los sectores relacionados con el medio ambiente y la mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático. La Fundación INTEC reconoció al periodista de RTVE Juanma Romero y al productor del programa Luis Oliván “por su trabajo incansable en la promoción e impulso del emprendimiento, digitalización y la aproximación de oportunidades de la UE para las empresas, emprendedores y pymes.” Un premio en en el marco de Startup Europe Awards de la DG Connect, UE.

Seville, 13.11.2020. The event, entitled CILIFO PROJECT – DAY: “INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN FUNDS“, aimed to share programme and European funding opportunities to support young people, companies and command operations in the forest fire prevention and extinction sector, through training initiatives that favour recruitment in CILIFO’s areas and themes, generating opportunities at local and regional level in the project’s intervention territory, the Euroregion Alentejo-Algarve-Andalusia.
On Friday 13 November 2020 and on the occasion of European Vocational Skills Week (EVSW), the webinar CILIFO PROJECT – DAY: “INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN FUNDS” took place.
This event was organised by the Finnova Foundation within its actions as the beneficiary of the CILIFO Project, funded by the Interreg POCTEP (2014-2020) programme, with the function of providing information on European financial sources to CILIFO’s target audience, interested in the issues of forest fire prevention and extinction, adaptation and mitigation to climate change, as well as employment development opportunities in rural areas and the fight against depopulation.
Experts in the CILIFO project and the environmental and fire issues related to the project took part in the event to explain the project’s actions aimed at training firefighters and other groups working in the prevention and extinction of forest fires, and the conservation of our natural habitat. There were also experts in the field of European training and labour insertion programmes, such as Interreg Volunteer Youth, Erasmus+ and Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs. There were also success stories of these programmes, to show how these initiatives have been a great boost to improve their professional experience.
The speakers at the event were Mr. Juan Sánchez, technical director of the CILIFO project and director of the Regional Operational Centre (INFOCA); Ms. Isabel Benjumea, MEP, member of the European Parliament; Mr. Andreas Karadakis, project technician at the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR); Ms. Ana Dias, coordinator of the TecMinho e-learning centre, University of Minho interface; Mr. Tiago Nascimento, CEO of C4G, Lisbon Local Contact Point for information on Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs; Mr. Juan Besari, Director of the StartUp Exponentia Team; Mr. Nuno Guiomar, researcher at the University of Évora, a beneficiary university of the CILIFO project; Mr. Fernando Fraga, Head of Innovation at Acredita Portugal, and Mr. Juan Viesca, Director of European Funds at the Finnova Foundation.
All these experts agreed on the importance of the regions being aware of and taking advantage of the funding opportunities provided by the European Green Pact, the Cohesion Funds and the Recovery Fund in order to be able to present entrepreneurial projects, especially at the height of the Covid-19 crisis. Therefore, they agree that these funds are a great opportunity for qualified young people to benefit from this European aid, either to get practical work experience in companies abroad, or to start their career as entrepreneurs in the business world, all with the support of the EU through programmes such as Interreg Volunteer Youth, Erasmus+ and Erasmus para Jóvenes Emprendedores.
To view the Interreg Volunteer Youth presentation, click here
To view the Erasmus + presentation, click here
To view the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs presentation, click here
To view the Targeted training for agents of the national forest fire protection system presentation, click here
These programmes are particularly useful for start-ups and SMEs in the forest fire sector and for management operations (including firefighters) and for young people who want to find a professional future in the field of forest fire prevention and extinction, adaptation and mitigation of climate change in rural areas. In this regard, the project as CILIFO has a wide training programme that goes through several target groups, from operational personnel of fire prevention and extinction plans, professionals and civil servants of the sector, companies and entrepreneurs, teachers and teaching staff.
The European Vocational Skills Week, organised by the European Commission, is an annual event during which local, regional or national organisations showcase the best of vocational education and training (VET) – a sector capable of empowering all people with the skills they need for a fulfilling personal and professional life. After five editions, the event has become a sought-after exchange platform for VET stakeholders around Europe and beyond.
This year’s edition will be a hybrid event taking place in-person in Berlin (Germany) and digitally across the EU from 9-13 November 2020. The Week 2020 will play a particularly important role, given the challenges Europe’s VET community is facing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It provides an unrivalled forum for identifying common problems and exchanging solutions.
The focus of the 2020 edition will be on “VET for Green and Digital Transitions” in line with the Commission’s priorities on a European Green Deal and a Europe fit for the digital age.
The overall objectives of the Week are to:
- Showcase the many ways VET can help young people and adults to ‘discover their talent’ and prepare today for Europe’s economy of the future.
- Demonstrate to employers the enormous benefits of investing in human resources by supporting the initial training of young people, as well as the upskilling and reskilling of adults, particularly in a post-COVID-19 world.
- Validate the choices people make when they choose VET, by showing its competitive value.
- Develop an awareness of European Vocational Skills Week, building on the success of previous campaigns.
- The employment rate of recent VET graduates in Europe is 78.9 % (2019). Source: Eurostat – Employment rates of recent graduates, pg. 2
- 8 % of Europe’s population aged 25 to 64 participate in adult learning (2019). Source: Eurostat – Adult learning statistics
- 60 % of VET graduates find their first long-term job within a month of finishing their studies (80 % after six months) (2018). Source: A quick guide to EU action on vocational education and training pg. 11
- 29 % of individuals have low overall digital skills (2019). Source: Eurostat
- The COVID-19 pandemic has accentuated the existing digital skills gap, and new inequalities are emerging. Source: European Skills Agenda for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience, pg. 1
The project “Iberian Centre for Research and Fight against Forest Fires” (CILIFO) focuses on the fight against forest fires and their consequences for the adaptation and mitigation of climate change; within a framework of cross-border cooperation for the prevention of risks and the improvement of the management of natural resources in Spain and Portugal in the area of the Euroregion Alentejo – Algarve – Andalusia. CILIFO falls under Thematic Objective 5 of the POCTEP Programme: Promoting adaptation to climate change in all sectors; and responds to the investment priority, with respect to the POCTEP Programme, 5B: Promoting investment to address specific risks and ensuring adaptation to disasters and development of disaster management systems.
With a duration of three years (2019 to 2021), it aims, through the results of its activities, to establish itself as a permanent centre for the promotion and development of training, awareness, development and innovation, and inter-regional cooperation in the fight against forest fires.
CILIFO is being developed thanks to the collaboration of a public-private partnership, led by the Andalusian Regional Government and made up of public research bodies, non-profit-making public interest entities and public administrations, all with the common objective of fighting forest fires.
Website: https://cilifo.eu/
FINNOVA is a non-profit European foundation, with headquarters in Belgium-Brussels, and offices and branches in Spain (Seville, Valencia, Tenerife, Madrid and Vitoria), whose main purpose is to seek international funding related to the transfer of new technology, modernisation, training and innovation for regional or local public administrations. Its main objective is to promote international and inter-regional cooperation through networks and events, its main fields of work being the environment, energy, climate change, innovation and improvement of the quality of life.
Website: www.finnova.eu
For more information or specific requests, please email navarro@finnova.eu and projects@finnova.eu.
Website: ec.europa.eu/social/vocational-skills-week
Twitter: @EU_social @EuropeanYouthEU #EUVocationalSkills #DiscoverYourTalent
Facebook: @socialeurope @EuropeanYouthEU

Se trata de una formación online y gratuita que se desarrolla en el contexto del proyecto CILIFO y que comienza el próximo 16 de noviembre

No âmbito do projecto CILIFO, a AMAL- Comunidade Intermunicipal do Algarve levou, recentemente, a efeito uma formação designada por «Condução e operação com o trator em segurança». Esta ação contou com a presença de 14 participantes, nomeadamente Sapadores Florestais da AMAL, Silves e Portimão, e decorreu em São Marcos da Serra.
Para o próximo ano está já prevista a realização de um outro curso, igual ao acima referido, e mais duas formações de «Tratores agrícolas adaptados ao trabalho florestal – constituição, funcionamento e manutenção».
Recorde-se que o projeto CILIFO – Centro Ibérico de Investigação e Combate aos Incêndios Florestais, do qual a AMAL é entidade parceira, pretende:
– Reforçar e promover a cooperação, os procedimentos de trabalho e a formação entre os Dispositivos de Prevenção e Extinção de Incêndios Florestais dentro da área de cooperação da Euro Região Alentejo – Algarve – Andaluzia.
– Promover a criação de emprego duradouro e de qualidade na área de influência do projeto; reduzir o custo económico dos incêndios fomentando a economia rural ligada à paisagem.
– Melhorar a capacidade de resposta perante os incêndios florestais das entidades e autoridades implicadas no combate aos mesmos nas três regiões participantes.
O projecto tem uma duração de três anos (01/01/2019 a 12/12/2021) e dispõe de um orçamento total de 24,6 milhões de euros, dos quais 75% são financiados pelo Programa de Cooperação Transfronteiriça Interreg VA Espanha-Portugal – Interreg POCTEP (2014-2020).
+ INFO em https://cilifo.eu/

11.11.2020. On Friday 13 November 2020, the webinar «CILIFO Project»: INTRODUCTION TO THE EUROPEAN FUNDS» will take place from 11:00 to 12:30 (Brussels time) as part of the fifth European Vocational Skills Week.
This training day on European financial sources is organised by the Finnova Foundation as part of its actions as a beneficiary of the CILIFO Project, financed by the Interreg POCTEP programme (2014-2020), and as part of European Vocational Training Week 2020. The conference aims to reach young people, as well as the general public, interested in the subject of forest fire prevention and extinction, adaptation and mitigation to climate change, on aspects related to the European financial sources available for vocational training, as well as for projects that promote youth employment in rural areas, and especially in the subject of CILIFO.
CILIFO has an extensive training programme which covers various target groups, from operational personnel involved in fire prevention and extinguishing plans, professionals and civil servants in the sector, companies and entrepreneurs, teachers and teaching staff, as well as young people who are committed to finding a professional future in the field of forest fire prevention and extinguishing, adaptation and mitigation of climate change in rural areas.
The webinar will also feature speakers who will present mobility programmes that make it possible to receive funding for professional exchanges or volunteering within the EU. Beneficiaries of these programmes will also take part in the event and will explain how their professional experience has improved as a result of participating in these initiatives. Examples of good practice and funding programmes such as Erasmus+ will also be studied, among others, where they are committed to training for the qualification of firefighters and other groups working in the prevention and extinction of forest fires, and the conservation of our natural habitat.
This conference therefore opens up new possibilities for the employability of CILIFO’s target audience. The aim of the conference is to support young people through training initiatives that favour recruitment in CILIFO’s areas and themes, generating opportunities at local and regional level in CILIFO’s intervention territory, the Euroregion Alentejo-Algarve-Andalucía.
To register to the event, click here.
The European Vocational Skills Week, organised by the European Commission, is an annual event during which local, regional or national organisations showcase the best of vocational education and training (VET) – a sector capable of empowering all people with the skills they need for a fulfilling personal and professional life. After five editions, the event has become a sought-after exchange platform for VET stakeholders around Europe and beyond.
This year’s edition will be a hybrid event taking place in-person in Berlin (Germany) and digitally across the EU from 9-13 November 2020. The Week 2020 will play a particularly important role, given the challenges Europe’s VET community is facing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It provides an unrivalled forum for identifying common problems and exchanging solutions.
The focus of the 2020 edition will be on “VET for Green and Digital Transitions” in line with the Commission’s priorities on a European Green Deal and a Europe fit for the digital age.
The overall objectives of the Week are to:
- Showcase the many ways VET can help young people and adults to ‘discover their talent’ and prepare today for Europe’s economy of the future.
- Demonstrate to employers the enormous benefits of investing in human resources by supporting the initial training of young people, as well as the upskilling and reskilling of adults, particularly in a post-COVID-19 world.
- Validate the choices people make when they choose VET, by showing its competitive value.
- Develop an awareness of European Vocational Skills Week, building on the success of previous campaigns.
- The employment rate of recent VET graduates in Europe is 78.9 % (2019). Source: Eurostat – Employment rates of recent graduates, pg. 2
- 8 % of Europe’s population aged 25 to 64 participate in adult learning (2019). Source: Eurostat – Adult learning statistics
- 60 % of VET graduates find their first long-term job within a month of finishing their studies (80 % after six months) (2018). Source: A quick guide to EU action on vocational education and training pg. 11
- 29 % of individuals have low overall digital skills (2019). Source: Eurostat
- The COVID-19 pandemic has accentuated the existing digital skills gap, and new inequalities are emerging. Source: European Skills Agenda for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience, pg. 1
The project «Iberian Centre for Research and Fight against Forest Fires» (CILIFO) focuses on the fight against forest fires and their consequences for the adaptation and mitigation of climate change; within a framework of cross-border cooperation for the prevention of risks and the improvement of the management of natural resources in Spain and Portugal in the area of the Euroregion Alentejo – Algarve – Andalusia. CILIFO falls under Thematic Objective 5 of the POCTEP Programme: Promoting adaptation to climate change in all sectors; and responds to the investment priority, with respect to the POCTEP Programme, 5B: Promoting investment to address specific risks and ensuring adaptation to disasters and development of disaster management systems.
With a duration of three years (2019 to 2021), it aims, through the results of its activities, to establish itself as a permanent centre for the promotion and development of training, awareness, development and innovation, and inter-regional cooperation in the fight against forest fires.
CILIFO is being developed thanks to the collaboration of a public-private partnership, led by the Andalusian Regional Government and made up of public research bodies, non-profit-making public interest entities and public administrations, all with the common objective of fighting forest fires.
Website: https://cilifo.eu/
FINNOVA is a non-profit European foundation, with headquarters in Belgium-Brussels, and offices and branches in Spain (Seville, Valencia, Tenerife, Madrid and Vitoria), whose main purpose is to seek international funding related to the transfer of new technology, modernisation, training and innovation for regional or local public administrations. Its main objective is to promote international and inter-regional cooperation through networks and events, its main fields of work being the environment, energy, climate change, innovation and improvement of the quality of life.
Website: www.finnova.eu
For more information or specific requests, please email navarro@finnova.eu and projects@finnova.eu.
Website: ec.europa.eu/social/vocational-skills-week
Twitter: @EU_social @EuropeanYouthEU #EUVocationalSkills #DiscoverYourTalent
Facebook: @socialeurope @EuropeanYouthEU

28.10.2020. The European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR) is the largest campaign to raise awareness about waste prevention in Europe. The Iberian Centre for Research and the Fight against Forest Fires (CILIFO) will be present at this week’s event through the Finnova Foundation, one of the entities that make up the CILIFO Project consortium.
Next Monday, 23rd November 2020, CILIFO will officially participate as an «action developer» in the European Week for Waste Reduction through a webinar on forest waste management.
The Finnova Foundation is part of the public-private partnership that makes up the CILIFO project, 75% of which is financed by the Interreg VA Spain – Portugal – POCTEP (2014-2020) cross-border cooperation programme. CILIFO acts to strengthen and unite cooperation, working procedures and training between the Forest Fire Prevention and Extinction mechanisms in the cooperation area of the Euroregion Alentejo – Algarve – Andalusia and is led by the Andalusian Regional Government.
Within the framework of the CILIFO project, financed by ERDF funds through the Interreg VA Spain-Portugal POCTEP (2014-2020) cross-border cooperation programme, the Finnova Foundation, the project beneficiary, proposes a round table to analyse the challenges posed by waste and innovation linked to the circular economy in the forest waste sector, as a means of enhancing the local economy and preventing forest fires.
The CILIFO project contributes to the adaptation and mitigation of climate change. Therefore CILIFO is working on good management of forest waste and its valorisation to help find innovative solutions to promote adaptation and mitigation of climate change. During the conference, the Green Deal will be discussed and the award ceremony for the 2nd Edition CILIFO – Firefighting StartUp Europe Awards 2020 (SEUA-CILIFO) will be held. The public will have a percentage of the assessment of the projects!
The event is planned to take place at the European Committee of the Regions in Brussels, as a similar action was held there last year in the framework of the EWWR. This year (2020) the action is also to be held there, but if there are no rooms available or if the development of COVID-19 is not favourable, an online event will be held. The official languages of the event are Spanish, Portuguese and English.
The provisional agenda can be downloaded at the following link:
Link to register for the event: https://form.jotform.com/finnova/cilifo-ewwr-23-11-2020
About European Week for Waste Reduction – #EWWR2020
The European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR) was born in 2009 as a European project funded by the European Commission’s LIFE+ programme that promotes the implementation of awareness raising actions on sustainable resources and waste management. The EWWR is held every year since 2009 during the last week of November. Volunteers from all over Europe, and also from outside, organize thousands of actions related to the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle), as well as cleaning activities or Clean-up days.
In today’s European context, the European Week for Waste Reduction has a crucial role to play: helping the European Union to achieve its waste prevention goals. For national, regional or local authorities, awareness-raising activities are an integral part of their waste management plans. An important aspect faced by public authorities is the lack of public awareness of waste prevention and the enormous influence this has on citizens’ unsustainable production and consumption patterns, as well as on their environmental behaviour in relation to waste generation and separation at source. Effective communication is therefore a key element in addressing the waste issue.
About the 2nd CILIFO – Firefighting Startup Europe Awards (SEUA – CILIFO) 2020
The StartUp Europe Awards (SEUA) is an initiative promoted by the European Commission, supported by the Committee of the Regions and the European Parliament; and implemented by the Finnova Foundation in collaboration with StartUp Europe. SEUA is an open innovation tool that allows companies to identify new talented start-ups, which are able to solve current challenges in multiple areas. The aim is to combine their internal and external knowledge to carry out strategy and R&D projects. Under the open innovation model, projects can originate both inside and outside the company; they can be incorporated both at the beginning and in the intermediate phases of the innovation process; and they can reach the market through the same company or through other companies.
In this sense, the «Firefighting StartUp Europe Awards» are an initiative promoted by the European Commission, implemented by the Finnova Foundation in collaboration with StartUp Europe and supported by the framework of the CILIFO project. It is an open innovation tool to identify innovative start-ups with potential, capable of solving current challenges around forest fire management. The objective is to locate those that offer products, services or methodologies that address the three phases in firefighting 1) Prevention 2) Action 3) Regeneration. They must provide an improvement in the efficiency of resources in firefighting; technological tools; social awareness; fire behaviour; spatial and temporal patterns of fire; fire meteorology and fire danger classification; fire extinguishing techniques; terrestrial, aerial and spatial detection; restoration; etc.
Firefighting StartUp Europe Awards / SEUA – CILIFO is an action aimed at promoting open innovation for the adaptation and mitigation of climate change; the establishment of networking; the exchange of good practices; the recruitment of entrepreneurs, companies and technologies that help to prevent and extinguish forest fires; and the restoration of natural areas that have suffered from forest fires. SEUA-CILIFO is a tool for identifying and supporting entrepreneurs with new ideas in the field of firefighting.
Target group: entrepreneurs and start-ups with ideas/projects relating to the fight against forest fires in the 3 action areas of the CILIFO project: Prevention, Action and Regeneration.
Do you have a project in the field of fire prevention and extinction, climate change or forest management? Promote your project or innovative idea!
Apply before Thisday, 19th November 2020 at the following link: www.f6s.com/startupeuropeawards
More information acobut Firefighting StartUp Europe Awards / SEUA – CILIFO will be published soon.
About the CILIFO Project
The project «Iberian Centre for Research and Fight against Forest Fires» (CILIFO) focuses on the fight against forest fires and their consequences for the adaptation and mitigation of climate change; within a framework of cross-border cooperation for the prevention of risks and the improvement of the management of natural resources in Spain and Portugal in the area of the Euroregion Alentejo – Algarve – Andalusia. CILIFO falls under Thematic Objective 5 of the POCTEP Programme: Promoting adaptation to climate change in all sectors; and responds to the investment priority, with respect to the POCTEP Programme, 5B: Promoting investment to address specific risks and ensuring adaptation to disasters and development of disaster management systems.
With a duration of three years (2019 to 2021), it aims, through the results of its activities, to establish itself as a permanent centre for the promotion and development of training, awareness, development and innovation, and inter-regional cooperation in the fight against forest fires. CILIFO is being developed thanks to the collaboration of a public-private partnership, led by the Andalusian Regional Government and made up of public research bodies, non-profit-making public interest entities and public administrations, all with the common objective of fighting forest fires.
Common Challenges – Sustainable Development Objectives (SDA)
The aim is to meet the challenge 13 and 15 of the UN SPOs to innovate in taking urgent action to combat climate change and its effects, as well as to protect, restore and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.
About the Finnova Foundation
Finnova is a European non-profit foundation, with headquarters in Belgium-Brussels, and offices and antennas in Spain (Seville, Valencia, Tenerife, Madrid and Vitoria), whose main purpose is to seek international funding related to the transfer of new technology, modernization, training, innovation for regional or local public administrations. Its main objective is to promote international and inter-regional cooperation through networks and events, its main fields of work being the environment, energy, climate change, innovation and improvement of the quality of life.
Beatriz Martínez Muñoz
European Projects and Communication Technique at the Finnova Foundation