
Campanha de sensibilização e prevenção de incêndios florestais nas escolas

No âmbito do Projeto CILIFO – Centro Ibérico de Investigação e Combate aos Incêndios Florestais – está a realizar-se esta semana, nas escolas da região, uma campanha de sensibilização e prevenção de incêndios florestais. Pondo em evidência as causas e consequências de incêndios florestais, com artefactos recolhidos de incêndios reais, a campanha aponta para a adoção de comportamentos responsáveis e preventivos e de preservação das florestas e da natureza.

Num cenário de investigação de um incêndio florestal montado para o efeito, as crianças foram convidadas a ser investigadoras, descobrindo o início de um incêndio florestal e marcando-o com uma bandeirinha branca, a direção que o incêndio tomou, apontando com a bandeirinha vermelha, procurando as causas e os efeitos dos incêndios florestais.

A campanha esteve na EB do Rossio e na EB Manuel Ferreira Patrício em Évora e vai estar amanhã na EB de S. Mateus em Montemor-o-Novo.

Estas sessões continuarão em agosto no âmbito das atividades de tempos livres de verão e estarão de regresso no início do ano letivo 2021/2022.

Estas atividades foram desenvolvidas pela Universidade de Évora no âmbito CILIFO – projeto co-financiado pelo programa de cooperação transfronteiriça entre Espanha e Portugal (POCTEP) – e contam com o apoio da Câmara Municipal de Évora e da Câmara Municipal de Montemor-o-Novo.


Fundación ONCE organiza dos jornadas online de sensibilización sobre atención a la diversidad en incendios forestales

10.20.2021. En el marco del proyecto europeo CILIFO, de investigación y lucha contra incendios, liderado por la Junta de Andalucía, la Fundación ONCE organiza, en colaboración con las Universidades de Córdoba y Cádiz, dos jornadas online de sensibilización social sobre atención a la diversidad en los incendios forestales, que tendrán lugar el 24 de febrero y el 4 de marzo a través de Internet.
La iniciativa se enmarca en el proyecto europeo CILIFO, (Centro Ibérico para la Investigación y Lucha contra los Incendios Forestales), que está liderado por la Junta de Andalucía y que pretende informar sobre las realidades y necesidades de los colectivos vulnerables, entre los que figuran personas con discapacidad, para contribuir a reducir los riesgos a los que se enfrentan en una emergencia.
De esta forma, los encuentros se dirigen a agentes orientados a la gestión de emergencias y a organizaciones y personas que residen o disfrutan del entorno forestal.
En concreto, las jornadas, gratuitas y online, serán el miércoles 24 de febrero y el jueves 4 de marzo a las 12:30 (hora española) a través de ZOOM. La charla se impartirá en castellano, así como las presentaciones proyectadas y los subtítulos, que  se emitirán también en castellano.
Para participar en los encuentros de sensibilización, se debe cumplimentar uno de los formularios disponibles en estos enlaces, correspondientes a cada una de las jornadas:

Fundación ONCE, beneficiary of the CILIFO project, organizes an online conference to raise awareness about diversity in forest fires

08.06.2020. Fundación ONCE, a beneficiary of the CILIFO project, organises an online conference to raise social awareness of diversity in forest fires. The initiative is part of the European project CILIFO, (Iberian Centre for Research and the Fight against Forest Fires), led by the Andalusian Regional Government.

Its aim is to provide information on the realities and needs of vulnerable groups, including people with disabilities, to help reduce the risks they face in an emergency.

This meeting is aimed at agents involved in emergency management, as well as organizations and individuals who live or enjoy the forest environment, especially in Portugal.

The conference is free and will be online, on Wednesday 17 June at 10.00 am from Spain and 9.00 am from Portugal. The talk will be given in Spanish. The subtitles and materials presented will be in Portuguese.


10:00 – 10:20. Welcome

  • Lourdes González Perea, coordinator of CILIFO Fundación ONCE
  • Juan Sánchez Ruiz, technical director of the CILIFO project
  • Ana Lourido, University of Évora

10:20 – 10:40. The forest environment

  • Antonio Maldonado Morales, forest fire prevention and social participation technician,
  • Regional Government of Andalusia

10:40 – 10:50. The importance of preparation

  • Víctor Salgado González, ONCE Foundation technician

10:50- 11:30. Attention to diversity

  • Lourdes González Perea, coordinator of CILIFO Fundación ONCE
  • Natalí González Villariny, ONCE Foundation Technician

11:30-11:45. Questions and farewell

To participate in the awareness day, you must fill out the form available here:


CILIFO organizes an awareness day on attention to diversity during forest fires

The conference will be carried out by the ONCE Foundation within the framework of the European project CILIFO on research and firefighting, led by the Council of Andalusia (Junta de Andalucía in Spanish)

The ONCE Foundation organizes in Seville the first day of social awareness on attention to diversity in forest fires. The initiative is part of the European project CILIFO (Iberian Center for the Investigation and Fighting of Forest Fires), led by the Council of Andalusia.

It aims to contribute to reducing the risks faced by people with disabilities, elderly people and vulnerable groups in a natural disaster.

This meeting is aimed at emergency management-oriented actors, as well as organizations and individuals that live in or enjoy the forest environment.

It will take place in Seville, on Thursday 28 November, from 10:30 to 13:30, at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Sustainable Development of the Council of Andalusia.

During the conference, we will explain in a practical way how to respond to an emergency in a forest environment and how to adequately support people with disabilities. For instance, we will talk about how to guide blind people in complex environments and how to communicate with deaf people. In addition, advice will be provided to enhance communication of emergencies through technology.

To participate in the awareness-raising day, please complete the registration form available at the following link: