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Centro Ibérico para la Investigación y Lucha contra Incendios Forestales (Iberian Center for the Investigation and Fighting of Forest Fires)


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The CILIFO (0753_CILIFO_5_E) project, “Centro Ibérico para la Investigación y Lucha contra Incendios Forestales” (Iberian Center for the Investigation and Fighting of Forest Fires in English) has a total budget of 24.6 million euros, of which a 75% is financed by the Cross-border Cooperation Program Interreg VA Spain-Portugal – Interreg POCTEP (2014-2020).

CILIFO is framed within the Thematic Objective 5 of the POCTEP Program: to promote adaptation to climate change in all sectors. Furthermore, it tackles the investment priority, regarding the POCTEP Program, 5B: investment promotion in order to address specific risks and adaptation guarantee towards catastrophes as well as the development of disaster management systems.

With a duration of three years (01/01/2019 to 12/12/2021), it aims to, through the expected results for their activities, be established as a permanent center for the development and promotion of training, awareness, research and cooperation towards forest firefighting.

Its objectives are:

  1. To strengthen and combine the cooperation, the operating procedures and the training between the Forest Fire Preventing and Extinguishing devices in the cooperation area of the Alentejo-Algarve-Andalusia Euroregion.
  2. To promote lasting and quality employment creation in the area; reduce the economic cost of fires creating rural economy linked to the landscape.
  3. To improve the involved administrations and authorities’ capacity to respond to forest fires in the three participating regions.
