Formação incêndios florestais notícias Trending


Within the framework of the Regional Strategy for Prescribed Burns in Andalusia, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Sustainable Development of the Council of Andalusia and the Agency for the Environment and Water of Andalusia, with the support of The Nature Conservancy (TNC), organizes the first Meeting for the Exchange of Experiences and Training in Prescribed Burns “TREX Andalucía 2019”.

This training activity is carried out with funding from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), offering 36 places for fire professionals with experience in prescribed fires and/or forest fires, managers of territories and administrations with responsibility for the integral management of fire in their landscapes, staff of devices with functions related to the planning and execution of prescribed burns, and for those interested in knowing, practicing and disseminating the use of fire as a management tool in the improvement and protection of ecosystems.

The purpose of TREX Andalusia is to provide participants with the opportunity to be part of a prescribed burns team where they can share their experience in planning, executing and evaluating prescribed burns, fire effects, and management of landscapes more resilient to major forest fires and climate and global change.

Duration: 18 to 28 November 2019

Place: Almería (Andalusia, Spain), with Burning Units distributed between the Sierra de Los Filabres, the Sierra de Gádor and the Sierra de María-Los Vélez.

More information.


convocatória Trending

Abierta la quinta convocatoria de Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) – subprograma de economía circular

Tipo de alerta: Evento. | Fecha de finalización: desde septiembre de 2019 a mediados de diciembre de 2019.

El Programa UIA es una iniciativa de la Unión Europea que provee a las áreas urbanas de toda Europa de los recursos necesarios para probar nuevas e innovadoras soluciones para los retos urbanos. La quinta convocatoria de propuestas, abierta desde septiembre hasta diciembre, cuenta con las siguientes temáticas: calidad del aire, economía circular, cambio demográfico y cultura y patrimonio cultural.

Más información.