Formation News Trending Wildfire


Within the framework of the Regional Strategy for Prescribed Burns in Andalusia, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Sustainable Development of the Council of Andalusia and the Agency for the Environment and Water of Andalusia, with the support of The Nature Conservancy (TNC), organizes the first Meeting for the Exchange of Experiences and Training in Prescribed Burns “TREX Andalucía 2019”.

This training activity is carried out with funding from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), offering 36 places for fire professionals with experience in prescribed fires and/or forest fires, managers of territories and administrations with responsibility for the integral management of fire in their landscapes, staff of devices with functions related to the planning and execution of prescribed burns, and for those interested in knowing, practicing and disseminating the use of fire as a management tool in the improvement and protection of ecosystems.

The purpose of TREX Andalusia is to provide participants with the opportunity to be part of a prescribed burns team where they can share their experience in planning, executing and evaluating prescribed burns, fire effects, and management of landscapes more resilient to major forest fires and climate and global change.

Duration: 18 to 28 November 2019

Place: Almería (Andalusia, Spain), with Burning Units distributed between the Sierra de Los Filabres, the Sierra de Gádor and the Sierra de María-Los Vélez.

More information.


Formação incêndios florestais notícias Trending


Within the framework of the Regional Strategy for Prescribed Burns in Andalusia, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Sustainable Development of the Council of Andalusia and the Agency for the Environment and Water of Andalusia, with the support of The Nature Conservancy (TNC), organizes the first Meeting for the Exchange of Experiences and Training in Prescribed Burns “TREX Andalucía 2019”.

This training activity is carried out with funding from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), offering 36 places for fire professionals with experience in prescribed fires and/or forest fires, managers of territories and administrations with responsibility for the integral management of fire in their landscapes, staff of devices with functions related to the planning and execution of prescribed burns, and for those interested in knowing, practicing and disseminating the use of fire as a management tool in the improvement and protection of ecosystems.

The purpose of TREX Andalusia is to provide participants with the opportunity to be part of a prescribed burns team where they can share their experience in planning, executing and evaluating prescribed burns, fire effects, and management of landscapes more resilient to major forest fires and climate and global change.

Duration: 18 to 28 November 2019

Place: Almería (Andalusia, Spain), with Burning Units distributed between the Sierra de Los Filabres, the Sierra de Gádor and the Sierra de María-Los Vélez.

More information.


Formación INCENDIOS FORESTALES Noticias Trending


En el ámbito de la Estrategia Regional de Quemas Prescritas de Andalucía, la Consejería de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Desarrollo Sostenible de la Junta de Andalucía y la Agencia de Medio Ambiente y Agua de Andalucía, con el apoyo de The Nature Conservancy (TNC), organiza el 1er Encuentro para el Intercambio de Experiencias y Entrenamiento en Quemas Prescritas ‘TREX Andalucía 2019’.

Esta acción formativa se lleva a cabo gracias a la financiación del Fondo Europeo Agrario de Desarrollo Rural (FEADER), ofreciendo 36 plazas dirigidas a profesionales del fuego con experiencia en quemas prescritas y/o incendios forestales, gestores de territorios y administraciones con responsabilidad en el manejo integral del fuego en sus paisajes, personal de dispositivos con funciones relacionadas con la planificación y ejecución de quemas prescritas, a interesados en conocer, practicar o divulgar el uso del fuego como herramienta de gestión en la mejora y protección de los ecosistemas.

El propósito del TREX Andalucía es proporcionar a los participantes la oportunidad de formar parte de un equipo de quemas prescritas donde compartir su experiencia en la planificación, ejecución y evaluación de quemas prescritas, efectos del fuego y gestión de un paisaje más resiliente a los grandes incendios forestales y al cambio climático y global.

Duración: 18 al 28 de noviembre de 2019

Lugar: Almería (Andalucía, España), con Unidades de Quema repartidas entre la Sierra de Filabres, Sierra de Gádor y Sierra de María – Los Vélez.

Más información.

News Wildfire

Annual Report on Forest Fires in Europe, Middle East and North Africa 2018

The European Commission published the 2018 edition of its Annual Report on Forest Fires in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. According to the report, wildfires destroyed nearly 178 000 hectares (ha) of forests and land in the EU last year. While this is less than one sixth of the area burnt in 2017, and less than the long-term average, more countries than ever before suffered from large fires.

The highest numbers of fires of 30 ha or larger were mapped by the European Forest Fire Information System in Italy (147 fires, 14 649 ha burned), Spain (104 fires, 12 793 ha burned), Portugal (86 fires, 37 357 ha burned), the UK (79 fires, 18 032 ha burned) and Sweden (74 fires, 21 605 ha burned) during last year.

The 2018 edition of the Annual Report on Forest Fires also notes that in 2019 the fire season started early, because of dry and windy conditions, with high temperatures. Already by March this year, the number of fires was higher than the average for the whole year in the last decade, with numerous fires in mountain regions and critical fires in the Danube delta.

Source: European Commission

incêndios florestais notícias

Annual Report on Forest Fires in Europe, Middle East and North Africa 2018

The European Commission published the 2018 edition of its Annual Report on Forest Fires in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. According to the report, wildfires destroyed nearly 178 000 hectares (ha) of forests and land in the EU last year. While this is less than one sixth of the area burnt in 2017, and less than the long-term average, more countries than ever before suffered from large fires.

The highest numbers of fires of 30 ha or larger were mapped by the European Forest Fire Information System in Italy (147 fires, 14 649 ha burned), Spain (104 fires, 12 793 ha burned), Portugal (86 fires, 37 357 ha burned), the UK (79 fires, 18 032 ha burned) and Sweden (74 fires, 21 605 ha burned) during last year.

The 2018 edition of the Annual Report on Forest Fires also notes that in 2019 the fire season started early, because of dry and windy conditions, with high temperatures. Already by March this year, the number of fires was higher than the average for the whole year in the last decade, with numerous fires in mountain regions and critical fires in the Danube delta.

Source: European Commission


Informe Anual sobre Incendios Forestales en Europa, Oriente Medio y África del Norte 2018

La Comisión Europea publicó la edición de 2018 de su Informe Anual sobre Incendios Forestales en Europa, Oriente Medio y África del Norte. Según el informe, el año pasado los incendios forestales destruyeron casi 178 000 hectáreas de bosques y superficie en la UE. Aunque esta cifra representa menos de una sexta parte de la superficie quemada en 2017 y es inferior a la media a largo plazo, hubo un mayor número de países afectados por grandes incendios.

Según el Sistema Europeo de Información sobre Incendios Forestales, el mayor número de incendios de 30 ha o más se produjeron en Italia (147 incendios, 14 649 ha quemadas), España (104 incendios, 12 793 ha quemadas), Portugal (86 incendios, 37 357 ha quemadas), Reino Unido (79 incendios, 18 032 ha quemadas) y Suecia (74 incendios, 21 605 ha quemadas) durante el año pasado.

La edición 2018 del Informe Anual sobre Incendios Forestales también señala que en 2019 la temporada de incendios comenzó pronto, debido a las condiciones secas y ventosas, con altas temperaturas.

Fuente: Comisión Europea


3rd International Congress on Technology and Tourism for Diversity

CILIFO addresses the inclusive management of emergencies at the 3rd International Congress on Technology and Tourism for Diversity.

The ONCE Foundation, as part of CILIFO, held a Co-Design workshop within the framework of the 3rd International Congress on Technology and Tourism for Diversity, held in Malaga on October 24.

The aim was to know the opinion of users with different profiles (people with disabilities and elderly people) on the elements that an emergency management application should contain so that it is accessible to all people and meets all their needs.

Also, as part of the Congress, the round table on Comprehensive Disaster Management was held with the participation of Juan Antonio Ruso, Deputy Director of Forest Fires and Environmental Emergencies of the Andalusia Environment Agency and coordinator of the CILIFO project.

The panel discussed various aspects of emergency management from a disability and accessibility perspective. Experts like Andrés Balcázar, Director of Disability Care in the Mexican National Human Rights Commission; Parul Sharma, expert consultant in emergency management in the Indian Ministry of Social Justice; and Jesús Fernández Lozano, professor at the Department of Systems Engineering and Automatics at the University of Malaga, participated in the panel. The panel was coordinated by Lourdes González, coordinator of the activity carried out by the ONCE Foundation in the CILIFO project.

CILIFO pt notícias

3rd International Congress on Technology and Tourism for Diversity

CILIFO addresses the inclusive management of emergencies at the 3rd International Congress on Technology and Tourism for Diversity.

The ONCE Foundation, as part of CILIFO, held a Co-Design workshop within the framework of the 3rd International Congress on Technology and Tourism for Diversity, held in Malaga on October 24.

The aim was to know the opinion of users with different profiles (people with disabilities and elderly people) on the elements that an emergency management application should contain so that it is accessible to all people and meets all their needs.

Also, as part of the Congress, the round table on Comprehensive Disaster Management was held with the participation of Juan Antonio Ruso, Deputy Director of Forest Fires and Environmental Emergencies of the Andalusia Environment Agency and coordinator of the CILIFO project.

The panel discussed various aspects of emergency management from a disability and accessibility perspective. Experts like Andrés Balcázar, Director of Disability Care in the Mexican National Human Rights Commission; Parul Sharma, expert consultant in emergency management in the Indian Ministry of Social Justice; and Jesús Fernández Lozano, professor at the Department of Systems Engineering and Automatics at the University of Malaga, participated in the panel. The panel was coordinated by Lourdes González, coordinator of the activity carried out by the ONCE Foundation in the CILIFO project.

CILIFO Noticias

III Congreso Internacional Tecnología y Turismo para la Diversidad

CILIFO aborda la gestión inclusiva de emergencias en el III Congreso Internacional Tecnología y Turismo para la Diversidad.

La Fundación ONCE, como parte de CILIFO, llevó a cabo un taller de CoDiseño dentro del marco del III Congreso Internacional Tecnología y Turismo para la Diversidad, celebrado en Málaga el pasado 24 de octubre.

El objetivo fue conocer la opinión de usuarios con diversos perfiles (personas con discapacidad y mayores) sobre los elementos que debería contener una aplicación de gestión de emergencias para que sea accesible para todas las personas y satisfaga todas sus necesidades.

Asimismo, como parte del Congreso, tuvo lugar la mesa redonda Gestión Inclusiva de Desastres que contó con la participación de Juan Antonio Ruso, subdirector de Incendios Forestales y Emergencias Ambientales de la Agencia de Medio Ambiente de Andalucía y coordinador del proyecto CILIFO.

En la mesa se trataron distintos aspectos de la gestión de emergencias, desde la perspectiva de la discapacidad y la accesibilidad. En ella participaron, además, los expertos Andrés Balcázar, director de Atención a la Discapacidad de la Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos de México; Parul Sharma, consultor experto en gestión de emergencias del Ministerio de Justicia Social de la India; y Jesús Fernández Lozano, profesor del Depto de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática de la Universidad de Málaga. La mesa fue coordinada por Lourdes González, coordinadora de la actividad desarrollada por Fundación ONCE en el proyecto CILIFO.

CILIFO Noticias

Diagnóstico de las Oportunidades Operacionales de Extinción de Incendios Forestales desde la Gestión del Paisaje y el Análisis de la Eficiencia

Este evento de trabajo e intercambio de experiencias y avances en el conocimiento de
esta temática, tuvo lugar el día 11 de octubre de 2019 en la Sala de Grados de la
Biblioteca del Campus Universitario de Rabanales de la Universidad de Córdoba.

El seminario tuvo un enfoque internacional al contar con la colaboración del Project
Leader de la línea de investigación en economía e incendios forestales y riesgos
operacionales en las acciones de extinción del “Human Dimension Program, RMRS USDA
Forest Service”, Dr. Dave Calkin.

El programa de las presentaciones fue completado con las aportaciones del Prof. Dr.
Fco. Rodríguez y Silva responsable y director del Laboratorio de Incendios Forestales de
la Universidad de Córdoba. El programa del Seminario-Taller, fue el siguiente:

La mesa redonda desarrollada, incorporó interesantes reflexiones sobre la aplicación de
los avances científicos recientemente desarrollados y en actual evolución por el Wildfire
Risk Team del Human Dimension Program y el Laboratorio de Incendios Forestales de la
Universidad de Córdoba, en la geografía territorial del proyecto Interreg-Poctep
“CILIFO”. La definición de los “perímetros operacionales delineables” (POD’s), las líneas
potenciales de control (PCL´s) y la determinación espacializada del índice de dificultad
de extinción, fueron presentadas como novedosas herramientas para la elaboración de
mapas temáticos dirigidos al mejor conocimiento de las opciones de operaciones de
extinción y reducción de la incertidumbre en la toma de decisiones dirigidas al control y
supresión de incendios forestales. Las presentaciones están siendo intregradas en una
publicación digital que será ubicada en la sección de descargas y blog de la web del
Laboratorio de Incendios Forestales de la Universidad de Córdoba (LABIF-UCO):