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Centro Ibérico para la Investigación y Lucha contra Incendios Forestales (Iberian Center for the Investigation and Fighting of Forest Fires)
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The CILIFO (0753_CILIFO_5_E) project, “Centro Ibérico para la Investigación y Lucha contra Incendios Forestales” (Iberian Center for the Investigation and Fighting of Forest Fires in English) has a total budget of 24.6 million euros, of which a 75% is financed by the Cross-border Cooperation Program Interreg VA Spain-Portugal – Interreg POCTEP (2014-2020).
CILIFO is framed within the Thematic Objective 5 of the POCTEP Program: to promote adaptation to climate change in all sectors. Furthermore, it tackles the investment priority, regarding the POCTEP Program, 5B: investment promotion in order to address specific risks and adaptation guarantee towards catastrophes as well as the development of disaster management systems.
With a duration of three years (01/01/2019 to 12/12/2021), it aims to, through the expected results for their activities, be established as a permanent center for the development and promotion of training, awareness, research and cooperation towards forest firefighting.
Its objectives are:
- To strengthen and combine the cooperation, the operating procedures and the training between the Forest Fire Preventing and Extinguishing devices in the cooperation area of the Alentejo-Algarve-Andalusia Euroregion.
- To promote lasting and quality employment creation in the area; reduce the economic cost of fires creating rural economy linked to the landscape.
- To improve the involved administrations and authorities’ capacity to respond to forest fires in the three participating regions.