CILIFO (Iberian Center for Research and Fight against Forest Fires) is a project approved by the Interreg POCTEP Program (2014-2020) Spain-Portugal, which is part of the Thematic Objective 5 of the Program, focused on promoting adaptation to Climate change in all sectors.
01/09/2020. The Andalusian Regional Government Council has approved the formulation of the Andalusian Climate Action Plan, which is part of the «Andalusian Strategy on Climate Change», will be the general planning instrument of the region in the fight against climate change.
The plan will also become the main instrument for the development of the Climate Change Law in the community, a territory especially vulnerable to this phenomenon due to its physical, natural and socioeconomic conditions.
The Andalusian natural environment treasures some of the ecosystems and natural spaces of greater value and fragility of the continent. Its economic model has a high dependence on climatic conditions through agriculture and tourism. Likewise, its population faces the rigor of a climate already characterized by episodes of high temperatures or shortage of water resources.
Adaptation, mitigation, communication and participation programs to combat climate change will depend on the Andalusian Climate Action Plan. The strategic lines of action in the short, medium and long term will be established on it.
Among other contents, the Andalusian Climate Action Plan will analyse and diagnose the current situation, as well as the trend of greenhouse gas emissions and carbon fixations and will mark the development of the Andalusian climate scenarios. It will also establish the scope of the impacts of climate change already determined and those expected in the medium and long term in the autonomous community.
Along with this, it will define measures to promote citizen participation in the fight against climate change, it will strategically assess the needs and draw priority research, development and innovation lines in the field of climate change.
In order to achieve the global objectives of emission reduction, the Emission Mitigation Program for the Ecological Transition will be created, especially aimed at industry, agriculture, livestock, fisheries and aquaculture, but also in sectors such as energy, housing, waste and transport, among others.
For the control and reduction of economic, environmental and social risks, the document contemplates an adaptation program that, among other aspects, will encourage the participation of private sectors in the identification of opportunities and threats because of climate change. Among the sectors established as a priority are water resources, flood prevention, agriculture, livestock, fishing, energy, urban planning, building, mobility and road infrastructure.
Finally, information, training and co-responsibility actions for the participation of society in the fight against climate change will be promoted. In this same section, communication, environmental education, training and knowledge transfer actions regarding mitigation and adaptation to climate change are contemplated, as well as actions of environmental volunteering and tools that provide society public access to information on the subject.
With the adoption of the agreement to formulate the Andalusian Climate Plan, the Andalusian Government meets the deadline established in the first additional provision of the Climate Change Law.
Source (Council of Andalusia):
- News Web Board:
- Plan formulation agreement:
- Agreement adopted:
- Other documents: