
The Infoca Plan assists in the extinguishing of the fire in Terque (Almeria)

The Plan INFOCA assists in the extinguishing of the fire in Terque (Almeria)

Images of the fire declared in the early hours of this last Saturday in the Paraje Loma de los Pollicos (Terque) in which the Device for the Prevention and Extinguishment of Forest Fires in Andalusia, the Infoca Plan, continues to work.

Source: Europa Press


The weather leads us to a summer of mega fires like the one in Tarragona

The year 2019 is not very promising for the woodland. The summer has just begun, and 45,000 hectares have been burned in Spain, a third more than the average since 2009, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) and if we add the extension already burned in the fires of Tarragona.

The weather forecasts accompany the pessimism of those who know the subject. The State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) emphasizes that rainfall is below normal indications in almost the entire country. The national average value between October 1, 2018 and June 11 is a 15 percent less than the average hydrological year. The summer prediction of the Aemet says that higher temperatures than usual are expected in almost all of Spain, in addition to low rainfall.

Source: El Confidencial

incêndios florestais

The weather leads us to a summer of mega fires like the one in Tarragona

The year 2019 is not very promising for the woodland. The summer has just begun, and 45,000 hectares have been burned in Spain, a third more than the average since 2009, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) and if we add the extension already burned in the fires of Tarragona.

The weather forecasts accompany the pessimism of those who know the subject. The State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) emphasizes that rainfall is below normal indications in almost the entire country. The national average value between October 1, 2018 and June 11 is a 15 percent less than the average hydrological year. The summer prediction of the Aemet says that higher temperatures than usual are expected in almost all of Spain, in addition to low rainfall.

Source: El Confidencial


La meteorología nos aboca a un verano de megaincendios como el de Tarragona

El año 2019 no es nada halagüeño para el monte. Acaba de comenzar el verano y ya se han quemado en España 45.000 hectáreas, un tercio más que el promedio desde 2009, según informa el Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación (MAPA) y si sumamos la extensión ya calcinada en el incendio de Tarragona.

Las previsiones meteorológicas acompañan el pesimismo de los conocedores de la materia. La Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (Aemet) subraya que la precipitaciones de lluvia se encuentran por debajo de los indicativos normales en casi todo el país. El valor medio nacional entre el 1 de octubre de 2018 y el 11 de junio pasado está en un 15 por ciento menos que el dato promedio del año hidrológico. La predicción estival de la Aemet dice que se esperan temperaturas más altas de las habituales en casi toda España, además de lluvias escasas.

Fuente: El Confidencial


Por qué España es igual de vulnerable a incendios devastadores como el de Portugal

La virulencia de los incendios forestales en la Península Ibérica va en aumento. El abandono del campo, el cambio climático y la ausencia de políticas de gestión forestal lo propician

Fuente: El Confidencial